In order to last in this lifetime without turning bitter, into a zombie, or spiraling in a never-ending cycle of routine and/or depression, you must find the thing that roots you. For some, it is people…family members or friends. Another's presence in your life and the joy you receive from interacting with certain people may be a catalyst to prolong your life's journey. I would say this is a good thing, but connections to others are still dependent of the quality of the dynamic and can fade or be lost. When one's elixir of inspiration is attached to something/someone external, it can be taken away. However, when the reason to keep going emerges from inside of you, it always remains. So, although one's reason to remain may be another person or people, enhancing your life with an expression of creativity (which can be found in helping others), can serve as a root to bring your focus back to center when times get tough, whether you have people that care about you in your corner or not.
This something…whether it is your story, unique skill, or gift…is a project that makes you forget time and space (instigates flow); that serves as fuel to keep you from exiting this realm; or keeps the urge to run away at bay. If not yet found, I would encourage people to keep exploring until they have found their purpose…that one (or more) reason(s) for living.
It is worth taking the time to seek out what makes your heart sing, if nothing else because it will be the one thing that pulls your focus back to center when you have lost your way. If we will take a little effort to discover and nurture that one medicine—the root that is our reason to remain, we will always have that one light that beckons us forward when all others start to disappear.