an unbridled professor
I am not your typical professor, at least compared to many of the ones I've encountered. I like a little more color and magic in my zone than what is often found in a university classroom. I have come to learn that the norm doesn't often work for me, but more importantly, I do not believe I really ever wanted it to. So, I do my best to bring my personal essence into my work as much as possible. I am always seeking the new, so I guess that makes me a forever student, driven by a desire to understand the unknown. Perhaps it is because I get bored easily when things become stagnant, leading me to reach for more as situations stale. I often instigate change in attempts to escape the mundane whether it is embarking on a new adventure, moving to a new location, or simply rearranging my office. I suppose the new represents freedom for me. If satisfaction or growth eludes where I am currently focused, change must be pursued. This is likely why I have constantly journeyed forward, mostly solo, while others remain, both in location and often, in personal growth. If ever I have revisited the places I left, I am reminded of why I moved on and understand the meaning of "A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions." A changed person cannot return to the same cage they broke free from. Regardless, this drive to seek authentic connection and expand my knowledge across multiple domains has not diminished no matter my age. My only fear in regard to learning is that I will run out of time before I can learn all I wish as my list of goals is not yet complete. However, learning to fly is currently put on hold as I finish a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology while teaching at uni.
Despite being in superhero mode to complete my academic quests, I've come to understand that beyond teaching, writing will always be my first love. Beyond entertainment, using story as a means to learn has been a most creative, wisest, and effective guide, especially for those unbridled from role models and proper developmental nourishment. This online space where my stories unfold, serves as my voice, my view-a sounding board to flush out thoughts and experiences. A corner where I get to be unapologetically me, without care or thought of who ventures into my realm. But, no matter the reason you have journeyed my way, I hope you encounter something here that stirs something that surfaces the authenticity within so that you may have the courage to express a little more of who you are with each passing day.